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Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program (Turkish)

Established in 1979, EMU Civil Engineering Department is one of the oldest departments of the university. As one of the top-rated departments in the region, the Department of Civil Engineering offers Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BS) as Turkish and English-medium programs, completely parallel to each other in content. The department also offers Master of Science and Doctoral Degree in Civil Engineering. , Master of Science in Construction Technology and Management (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), in Civil Engineering, The undergraduate program offered by the department aims to bring up qualified graduates, who possess information on engineering management, construction engineering, hydraulics, transportation techniques and technology. Civil Engineering English undergraduate program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

General Information

During the first two years of study, the undergraduate curriculum is designed to prepare students for professional practice by developing a solid foundation in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as well as courses on civil engineering drawing and Introduction to Civil Engineering. The second year is basically devoted to fundamentals of civil engineering. During the third and the final years, the students are exposed to several disciplines in Civil Engineering. They have the opportunity to choose relevant technical courses based on the area of interest.


The Department of Civil Engineering offers undergraduate and graduate programs leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BS), Master of Science in Civil Engineering (M.S.), and Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.), in Civil Engineering. The undergraduate curriculum is designed to prepare students for professional practice by equipping them with skills and qualifications to tackle problems in their professional life. In order to qualify as a successful student during the four-year undergraduate program, an interest in subjects such as mathematics, engineering, computer and environment is essential. The MS program in Civil Engineering is based on coursework totaling a minimum of 21 credit-hours and the thesis study. The PhD program requires a minimum of 21 credit-hours, the qualifying exam and the PhD thesis.


Sophisticated and well-equipped Hydraulics, Geology, Transportation, Construction Materials, Structural Mechanics, Construction Technology and Management, Soil Mechanics and Computer laboratories play a major role in the professional and practical development of our students. Engineering Economy, Construction Technology and Management, and Structural Design are among the courses offered during the second half of the curriculum to help students get prepared for the professional-life. Students are encouraged to work on projects as much as possible. The aim of the courses and projects in the senior year is to equip students with the necessary know-how and skills that will be essential in their future careers.

Career Opportunities

As the medium of instruction is English, graduates will have worldwide job and postgraduate study opportunities. Civil engineering education will give the students the skills, information, and experience to be able to work in different fields. Some of our undergraduate and MS graduates are currently pursuing their education in reputable universities in different countries while the others found jobs in well-established firms and institutions.


Tel: +90 392 630 1231
Fax: +90 392 365 2869

Please contact to department and/or faculty for detailed information about courses.

Ref. Course Code Course Title Lec. Lab Tut. Credit ECTS Syl.
Semester 1
2D711 INSA100 Introduction to Civil Engineering - - - - 1
2D712 INSA103 Civil Engineering Drawing 2 - 3 3 6
2D713 MATE151 Calculus - I 4 - 1 4 7
2D714 KIMY107 General Chemistry 4 - 1 4 7
2D715 ENGL171 English - I 3 - 1 3 5
2D716 UE01 University Elective - I 3 - - 3 4
Semester 2
2D721 BLGM108 Algorithms and Programming 3 - 1 3 5
2D722 MATE152 Calculus - II 4 1 - 4 7
2D723 FIZK103 Physics - I 4 - 1 4 7
2D724 ENGL172 English - II 3 - 1 3 5
2D725 UE02 University Elective - II 3 - - 3 4
2D726 HIST280 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Reforms 2 - - 2 2
2D726 TUSL181 Turkish as a Second Language 2 - - 2 2
Semester 3
2D731 INSA211 Statics 4 - 1 4 7
2D732 INSA261 Surveying 3 - 2 4 6
2D733 INSA283 Materials Science 3 - 1 3 5
2D734 MATE332 Probability and Statistical Methods 3 1 - 3 5
2D735 FIZK104 General Physics - II 4 - 1 4 7
Semester 4
2D741 INSA222 Strength of Materials 4 - 1 4 7
2D742 INSA233 Rigid Body Dynamics 4 1 - 4 6
2D743 INSA284 Building Materials 3 - 2 4 6
2D744 MATE241 Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations 4 - 1 4 7
2D745 ENGL203 Occupational English 3 - - 3 4
Semester 5
2D750 INSA300 Summer Training - - - - -
2D751 INSA331 Fluid Mechanics 4 1 - 4 7
2D752 INSA343 Introduction to Structural Mechanics 4 1 - 4 7
2D753 INSA353 Earth Science 4 - 1 4 6
2D754 INSA361 Transport Engineering 4 1 - 4 6
2D755 MATE373 Numerical Analysis for Engineers 3 - 1 3 5
Semester 6
2D761 INSA332 Hydromechanics 4 1 - 4 6
2D762 INSA344 Structural Analysis 4 1 - 4 6
2D763 INSA354 Soil Mechanics 4 - 1 4 6
2D764 INSA372 Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete 4 1 - 4 6
2D765 INSA394 Civil Engineering Construction and Economy 3 1 - 3 5
Semester 7
2D771 INSA401 Introduction to the Project - 2 - 1 2
2D772 INSA451 Foundation Engineering 4 1 - 4 6
2D773 INSA471 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 4 1 - 4 6
2D774 INSA473 Fundamentals of Steel Design 4 1 - 4 7
2D775 INSA493 Construction Management 4 1 - 4 6
2D776 UE03 University Elecitive - III 3 - - 3 4
Semester 8
2D781 INSA402 Graduation Project 2 3 - 3 10
2D782 AE01 Area Elective - I 3 - - 3 5
2D783 AE02 Area Elective - II 3 - - 3 5
2D784 AE03 Area Elective - III 3 - - 3 4
2D785 UE04 Uni.Elecitive - IV 3 - - 3 4
2D785 IENG356 Ethics in Engineering 3 - - 3 4

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