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Civil Engineering MS Program (with thesis)

The Master of Science (M.S.) program provide opportunities to qualified students for further education at an advanced level in various Civil Engineering fields. National and regional research needs receive specific attention. Graduate courses are offered in the following divisions of specialization: Construction Materials; Construction Technology and Management; Geotechnical Engineering; Hydraulics Engineering; Structural Engineering; Transportation Engineering. A non-thesis M.S. program in Construction Technology and Management is also offered. Department of Civil Engineering have well established laboratories in the fields of construction materials, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering and transportation engineering.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or a related field if they have achieved at least 2.50/4.00 for MS, and must be fluent in written and oral English. Applicants who hold a Bachelor’s degree in an engineering field other than Civil Engineering may be accepted at “probation” status and will be required to take some of the undergraduate courses related with their area of interest under the title of “Deficiency Courses for Non-CIVIL students”. A student is allowed to take minimum three courses in the deficiency program from undergraduate program of the department. The same rules as written above apply to the non-thesis Construction Technology and Management program as well. Candidates accepted for M.S. in Construction Technology and Management program are required to complete 10 credit courses and a postgraduate research project.

Research Interests

Construction Materials; Repair and maintenance of concrete, fibre reinforced concrete: improving measuring techniques, Thermal properties of lightweight concrete & mortar: building blocks, foam concrete, Natural building stones: engineering properties, Self consolidating concrete: mix design with local materials, Non-destructive testing of concrete, Alternative construction materials: waste glass and limestone dust. Construction Technology and Management; Construction planning, Construction costing, Life cycle cost calculations, Risk management, Concrete construction, Concrete materials, Construction technology. Geotechnical Engineering; Assessment of seasonal effects on engineering behaviour of expansive soils, Temperature effect on the engineering behaviour of clay soils, Pore fluid effects on the engineering behaviour of compacted clays, Hydro-mechanical behaviour of compacted sand-bentonite as waste containment barriers, Use of polymer additives in compacted barriers, Use of chemical additives in compacted barriers, Influence of leachates on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of barrier soils, Effect of colloidal silica stabilization on the liquefaction potential of soils. Hydraulics Engineering; Water resources in Cyprus, Waste water, Hydrologic changes, Climate changes and water, Sediment transport in rivers, Reservoirs and dams, Coastal sedimentation, Hydropower, Irrigation and drainage. Structural Engineering; Stability of inelastic structures subjected to dynamic loading, Displacement based methods for seismic assessment and design of structures, Durability of concrete and effects of corrosion on seismic performance of RC structures, Finite element force method, Structural dynamics, Finite element analysis, Historic buildings and their analysis, Defects and deterioration in buildings, Strengthening, The use of structural steel for buildings, Behaviour of reduced beam web (RBW) connections, Efficiency of lateral stability methods for steel structures, Steel shell roof structures, Behaviour of semi-rigid steel beam to column connections, Inspection, appraisal, maintenance and repair of structures, Sustainable structures for Mediterranean/Middle East climate, Health and safety in construction. Transportation Engineering; Pavement management systems, Statistical model development, Stochastic design of pavements, Cost estimation, project management, Forensic examination of pavements, Traffic simulation, and Traffic safety.


Tel: +90 392 630 1231
Fax: +90 392 365 2869

Please contact to department and/or faculty for detailed information about courses.

Course Title Credit Lec. Tut.
CIVL500 Master Thesis - - -
REQ1 Elective Course 3 3 -
REQ2 Elective Course 3 3 -
REQ3 Elective Course 3 3 -
REQ4 Elective Course 3 3 -
REQ5 Required Course 3 3 -
REQ6 Required Course 3 3 -
REQ7 Required Course 3 3 -
CIVL598 Graduate Seminar

Provides basic knowledge about the research and other activities related with MS Thesis. It includes a schedule of invited speakers on infrastructure-related to MS studies.

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